Tummy Time Tips

Tummy Time Tips

Caucasian Baby looking at the camera under a purple blanket. Baby is looking at the camera while doing tummy time.

Sometimes being a new parent is harder than you expected.  You sit cuddling and consoling your screaming baby after scooping them up from their last tummy time session.  There you sit, beginning to wonder if you are doing something wrong.  You begin to question yourself. “Should I have started tummy time earlier?” “ Is something wrong with my baby?” 

“Why do I even need to do tummy time?” 

The questions pile up and suddenly what you thought was going to be an opportunity for you to play with your baby becomes the most stressful part of your day.

Maybe you were told by your doctor that your child needed 30 minutes of tummy time every day, but one minute is all they can stand.  Maybe you were excited to start floor playtime, which ended up dissolving into tears for you both.  Maybe you are worried that your baby’s head is beginning to flatten and the characteristic loss of hair along the back is noticeable as of late.

The first secret to “Tummy Time” is that really any position that is out of baby equipment where baby is not lying flat on their back-counts. 

Mind blowing, right?  Put that baby in a carrier and wear them! Hold your baby and dance with them, allowing them to begin to adjust and weight shift as your change positions.  The more of their awake time out of baby equipment, the better.  But, when you are in need of a break, a hot shower, a chance to get the dishes done, let go of the Mom guilt and place your baby in a safe spot that will keep them soothed while you take 15 minutes for your sanity.

Start tummy time with the baby on you. 

Put your baby up on your shoulder to burp them.  Lay back in a recliner and put baby on your chest as you talk sweetly to them.  Lay a fussy baby across your lap face down and gently pat.  Put a colicy baby over your arm, hand in chin, gently shushing as you walk the house.  Your baby will be most regulated when they are able to touch your body, feel your heartbeat, have your scent close, and hear your soothing voice.

Gradually incorporate floor time after your baby is comfortable with tummy time on you. 

I always begin babies on their backs.  Place your infant on their back, engage with them by talking, reading, smiling and make sure the experience is pleasant.  Slowly roll your child to their side and play in this position as well.  Finally, help them roll to their tummy.  Spend a few minutes in this position when your baby tells you they are done, roll them to their back before picking up for a cuddle.  Take it slow, your baby will appreciate a slower pace transition to their stomach than simply planting them face down.

Keep a hand on your child’s bottom. 

Placing your hand on their bottom will help them manage the weight of their head as they begin to learn to pick it up and look left to right.  Patting gently and firmly on their bottom can also help soothe them and extend your child’s tolerance for  the practice.

Arms should be forward and underneath them when beginning tummy time.  

Try laying on your tummy with your arms behind you and attempt to lift your head, is it comfortable?  No- having those arms up makes a huge difference. I like to gently squish their arms together under their chin, this will help them begin to raise their head up nice and high.  Eventually, your baby will begin to weight bear on their forearms and then push up with their arms extended.  

Frequent small increments build up to the time during the day your child needs to develop great neck and head control in this position. 

You do not need to try and work up to 30 minutes of sustained tummy time, you are working to get your baby comfortable with floor time throughout the day as much as possible.  Think of it as though your baby is getting their “steps in”.  We don’t wake up and hope to have all our 10,000 steps a day mastered in the first hour- we work towards it all day long. Spread out your doses of floor time and you not only make it more pleasant, it will help make it a habit for both you and your little one to commit to. 

Try providing tools to help prop your baby up. 

You could place your child over a boppy, but I greatly prefer using a rolled up receiving blanket for young babies.  Roll up the blanket and tuck under their arms.  If your baby seems extra fussy, you could try tummy time on an exercise ball, hold onto your child as you slowly rock or bounce them on the ball. 

Keep it playful. 

You want your baby to learn to enjoy floor time.  Singing is a great way to catch their attention and help calm them down.  Providing interesting visuals to look at, try standing a book up in front of them to look at.  Lay down and face your baby.  Lay your infant on a textured play mat.  


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